Superior Dave | Superior Services - Part 6


May 9, 2012

Saving Money With A Programmable Thermostat

These days, energy savings has become more important than ever. With the higher costs of energy, consumers want to save money. With concerns about the enviroment, we also want to diminish our own input that might cause climate change.
May 2, 2012

Performing Annual Checks On Your Air Conditioner

Every homeowner knows the importance of having an air conditioning system in good working order, although few really know how to make sure that their system ...
April 25, 2012

Air Conditioning Benefit: Comfort

Be it at the office or at home, all of us are fond of being within a comfortable environment. Air […]
April 5, 2012

Make Your AC Unit Last As Long As It Can With These Tips

With those scorching hot months of the summer and the dry season just around the corner, a lot of people […]
March 29, 2012

How Important Is Getting Your AC Looked At?

A lot of people avoid air conditioning service just because the recurring cost of the service fees just simply don’t […]
March 19, 2012

Be Sure To Keep Up With AC Repair for Reliable Operation

The time to consider having Hilton Head AC repair is not the first day the temperature rises into uncomfortable territory. Instead, it […]
March 13, 2012

Some Things To Know About AC Repair

It often happens that the air conditioner in the house is neglected until the day you notice no cool air coming from it. This is usually during the hot days of summer ...
March 5, 2012

Understanding the Importance of Good Indoor Air Quality

The quality of the air that you breathe inside your home can have a major impact on your health. Indoor air quality testing is important to protect you and your family.....
February 24, 2012

Furnace Rebates: How & Why

Furnace rebates can be claimed by anyone who upgrades their equipment to meet the standards which are set by the […]
February 22, 2012

Furnace 101 – Pilot Lights

How To Light a Furnace Pilot Light You’ll want to have these tools on hand to check the pilot light: […]
February 15, 2012

Dirty Ducts

You should consider having the air ducts in your Hilton Head home cleaned if: There is substantial visible mold growth […]
February 13, 2012

SEER Made Clear

The U.S. Department of Energy claims that the energy we use in an average Hilton Head home is responsible for […]
February 8, 2012

The Results Are In: Top 4 CO Detectors

A carbon monoxide (CO) detector is the kind of thing you want to know works.  This is one indoor air […]
February 6, 2012

All CO Detectors Are Not Created Equal

If your Hilton Head home uses natural gas, or if you have a wood or gas fireplace, you need a […]
February 1, 2012

Memo: Don’t Forget to Conserve Energy & Save Money!

Heating and cooling your Hilton Head home uses more energy and drains more energy dollars than any other system in […]
January 30, 2012

The EPA and New Indoor Air Protocol

New guidance will help ensure that home energy upgrades protect the health of Americans while saving energy and money.
January 25, 2012

What Does MERV Have To Do With My Filter?

The MERV rating indicates the percentage of particles the air filter will remove from the air passing through it. In […]
January 23, 2012

Avoid Geothermal Installation Pitfalls

We love geothermal - done right. Learn what to look out for here.
January 18, 2012

Combat Winter Skin in Hilton Head

Indoor heating is just one cause of dry, flaky skin. Find the fix here.
January 16, 2012

More Fit for Your Furnace

The right amount of heat in your Hilton Head home is very important: an oversized furnace can waste a lot […]
November 11, 2020

The Secret to a Healthy Home: Air Duct and Dryer Vent Cleaning

Maintain Clean Indoor Air Quality with Air Duct and Dryer Vent Cleaning Clean indoor air quality is a vital component […]
October 27, 2020

Caring For Your Computers

The Hilton Head/Bluffton home and business owners have to deal with technology on a daily basis. Whether it is work-from-home […]
September 30, 2020

Peace Of Mind With Home Electrical Safety

The average Hilton Head or Bluffton homeowner assumes that the initial home inspection done prior to the purchase of their […]
August 31, 2020

The Importance Of Acting Fast With Plumbing Problems & Repairs

What most homeowners don’t realize is that plumbing repairs should be at the top of your to-do list. Unfortunately, too […]
July 30, 2020

How To Protect Your HVAC From Flooding & Storm Surge

Whether it is a heavy thunderstorm or rising water related to tropical storm and hurricane activity, flooding and storm surge […]
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