With weather patterns seemingly becoming more erratic and hard-to-read over the past few years, now more than ever, it is essential to be ready for bad weather. Hurricane season and hurricane preparedness is a real concern. As we all know too well, Hilton Head and Bluffton-area residents faced mandatory evacuation orders as recent as 2019. If you don’t have a game plan, you need to prepare one now.
Preparing Your Home’s HVAC System For The Worst
With your plans set for the people and pets in your home, don’t forget to have a game plan for your property and your home, itself. You likely know the primary steps, like boarding up windows and moving outdoor items inside in preparation for storm damage and debris.
What many people don’t realize is that whether you are sheltering in place or evacuating – you need a plan for your HVAC systems. If your system is operating while it sustains damage, it could worsen the situation. Shutting down the power to your systems before the storm hits is recommended in attempts to protect it.
If you are going to stay home, you can try to drive the temperature down as low as it will go before you shut down your HVAC equipment before the storm. If possible, once your system is powered down, we highly recommend “boarding up” your outdoor AC equipment with a wooden box frame or, at the very least, a heavy-duty tarp.
Even though the storms will bring humidity and heat after the hurricane passes, if you have sustained any damage or power surges in your community, we recommend against turning your HVAC equipment back on until you’ve had a proper inspection. Turning on your cooling system without a review could damage your unit, turning a simple adjustment into a system replacement in an emergency.
An Expert To Help With Your Home After The Storm Subsides
Emergencies arise and getting the help you need quickly is all you need. The Superior Services Emergency Response Team is available 24/7 when disaster strikes. Our team of experience technicians paired with expert technology deliver the results when you need it the most.
Another downside to catastrophic storm damage is that the area will likely be crashed by outside, non-local or experienced contractors. While some companies travel and take care of customers, some less-than-reputable people take advantage of the bad situation. They may perform piecemeal work and patchwork to get you up-and-running however, they do so knowing full well that, by the time your equipment fails again, they will be long gone. Make the Superior Choice knowing that we will be here to help you always.
Having Your “Go” And “Stay” Plans Ahead Of Time
Many homeowners will try to ride out the storm if at all possible. If you’re going to go with the “stay” option, then it is crucial that you have adequate supplies prepared. If having a home generator isn’t an option, that also shifts your game plan. Homes affected by bad storm damage – especially in instances of significant flooding of our low-lying areas – need to be completely self-sufficient for at least three days. That includes…
- Non-perishable food
- Bottled water
- Medicine for all family members
- Basic First Aid Kit supplies
- Pet Supplies (food, water, medication, leashes)
Whether you would opt to “go” or “stay,” it is essential to have important documents in order – like identification and any pertinent health records. They should be easily accessible, along with a “Go Bag” set up – where you can quickly gather your most vital supplies for evacuation or for sheltering in place.
Know Where To Find Information About Hurricanes
Phone coverage and internet infrastructure may be affected by extreme storms, so while having the SC Emergency Manager App on your phone or access to the South Carolina Emergency Manager storm surge/evacuation maps is excellent – you should also have a paper copy of some basic information, like the best evacuation route options and shelter locations. The Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office, The Beaufort County Facebook Page, and SMS/Email updates powered by the Beaufort County website are all options for getting information before and after the storm (assuming emergency power or data is available). Your neighbors can also be great sources of information. When the storm passes, you can and should reach out to your neighbors to ensure everyone is safe. If you venture out, be cautious of potential downed utility lines and unsafe walking/driving conditions.
As a local company serving our community since 1999, Superior Services is here to take care of our friends, family, and neighbors for the long-term. Superior Services always makes sure that you are our top priority through all the moments you need us the most!
When disaster strikes, always make the Superior Choice.
Leave the Work to Your Hilton Head Professionals
Emergencies arise and getting the help you need quickly, is all you need. The Superior Services Emergency Response Team is available 24/7 when disaster strikes. Our team of experienced technicians paired with expert technology deliver the results when you need it the most.
Notice our yellow trucks everywhere in Hilton Head and Bluffton! Call Superior Services at (800) 828-2665 to prepare your home for storm season.